How it Works

Vote Ranker

Vote Ranker provides free, factual, unbiased information on candidates, elections and elected officials. Vote Ranker educates voters on the available candidates running for office and help them discover which candidates in their constituency they agree with on a range of issues. Voters will be able to search elections and browse the candidates' profile pages to find out more about them. The site will allow the voter to search and research candidates by office, party, political views, age, gender, state, county, poll ranking and more. Vote Ranker allows you to compare your positions with those of the candidates. Registered Voters can take a compatibility quiz and enter their position on each issue to discover which candidates in their constituency they agree with on a range of issues, or they can browse candidates' profile pages to find out more about them. The site automatically generates a compatibility score for each candidate based on their positions. Registered Voters can select their candidates of choice and put them into a pre-vote selection group. Voters can then score & rank candidates for their final ballot selection to view on their mobile device or print it and take it with them on election day. All of your information is protected and private. We never sell or provide names, addresses, or other contact information of any supporter or contributor to anyone, at any time, for any reason.


The 2020 United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives, 34 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate, and the office of president of the United States will be contested. Thirteen state and territorial governorships, as well as numerous other state and local elections, will also be contested.


Vote Ranker is free for all US elections voters. There are two types of accounts for voters. Guest & Registered. Voters can navigate the site as a quest voter or register for a free voter account and be able to save, favorite, run issue compatibility & likability scores on candidates, and finally compare and rank them for voting. Vote Ranker educates voters on the available candidates running for office and help them discover which candidates in their constituency they agree with on a range of issues. Voters will be able to search elections and browse the candidates' profile pages to find out more about them. Voters will be able to rank the candidates by taking a political issues compatibility quiz. Vote Ranker allows you to compare your positions with those of the candidates.


Vote Ranker will feature searchable candidate profiles for all US elections by year. Candidates will be able to register, and setup a public candidate profile page that voters can search, review, favorite and rank. Vote Ranker will feature searchable candidate profiles for all US elections by year. Candidates will be able to register, and setup a public candidate profile page that voters can search, review, favorite, run issue compatibility check and rank them.

Candidate Profiles

Vote Ranker educates voters on the available candidates running for office and help them discover which candidates in their constituency they agree with on a range of issues. Voters will be able to search and browse the candidates' profile pages to find out more about them. Vote Ranker will feature searchable candidate profiles for all US elections by year. Candidates will be able to register, and setup a public candidate profile page that voters can search, review, favorite and rank. The profile page includes a personal biography, tertiary education, professional experience, general philosophy, political positions on the issues, video's, campaign schedules, make a donation and contact information.

Favorite Candidates

Registered votes can “Favorite Candidates".

Voters can review candidate profiles and favorite and rank them in order of choice. All favorited candidates are grouped together for easy access and marked with a star. Favorites can be deselected or selected at any time.


Compatibility Quiz

Registered voters will be able to rank the candidate’s compatibility by taking a political issue “compatibility quiz”. The quiz is segmented into political issue categories. Voters select their position on each issue and the level of importance for that issue.

Issue Importance Score

How important is this issue score. Based on the Importance level selection, the engine will add or deduct percentage points to the base ranking factor.

Compatibility Score

The Vote Ranker compatibility engine automatically generates a base compatibility score for each candidate you select based on their positions and compares them to yours.

Likability Score

The candidate likeability score is determined by the voter by selecting a number between 1 and 5. Likeability Levels: 1) Very Likeable 2) Likeable 3) Somewhat Likeable or Neutral 4) Unlikeable 5) Very Unlikable Based on the likeability level selected, the engine will add or deduct percentage points to the base ranking factor.

Vote Ranking

The site combines the base compatibility score, with the Importance of issues score and the likability score to determine the Vote Ranking order for each candidate.

Ballot Selection

My Ballot application will allow voters to pre-select their candidates of choice (who they are going to vote for) and add them into a pre-ballot selector tool. The selector will allow the voter to drag-n-drop (move) their selected candidates for each election.

My Ballot

When the voters have completed their candidate ballot selections the application will generate a PDF document to print a take with them to the voting polls. They will also be able to view their candidate selections ballot on a mobile device.